I've never read Twilight but i went and saw the movie with my sisters and mom. I thought it was awesome. I hate reading a book and then going and seeing the movie and having high hopes that it was just as good as the book, watching it then picking it all apart and thinking of what could have made it better because IM GOING TO WATCH THE MOVIE MORE THEN READ THE BOOKS! I had people tell me about the books and the jist of the story line because i was never going to read the books. I always have people tell me the ending of things because i can't wait to find out about them. So maybe, just maybe i might read Twilight because the movie was so good. p.s.sorry for those who have tagged me, i will get right on that.
It is a VERY good thing that you didnt read the book. The movie was NOT good. I wont get into it because you liked it:) But when you read the books you might understand.
The book is ten times better than the movie, but they are very addicting so beware:)
I liked th emovie too and I didn't read the books. My sister read them and she still loved the movie. It made me want to read the books also and I don't even like to read.
Hi this is Stephanie Shamblin Klem from Heritage. A police officer
a few miles from my house makes memorial stickers when an officer dies and has made a few for me on behalf of Shane Figueroa with name and his badge number. I bought one and Kristina Foulias bought one. The police officer is donating the money to the 100 club for Melisha and Kenzlie, but we wanted to make sure that that is ok with Melisha that we have them and we wanted to send one to her and to Shane's parents. Kristina wants to make a song to sell with the C.D.'s and sell them and give the money to Melisha and Kenzlie as well. Can you get in touch with her and make sure that this is ok. We dont want to invade her privacy, but we just want to make sure that she is ok with people buying the stickers and putting them on thier cars.
Give me a call if you or she have any questions..... 602-573-4969
Thanks Emilee
hey emilee this is lacy you little one is so cute and I like the bread song I thought you did not like them!!
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